Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Cruising with a Service Dog

This Alaska cruise is Bailey’s second cruise as my service dog. By far, the number one question other passengers ask is "where does she go to the bathroom?"

No, we don't make Bailey wait until the next port. The cruise line sets up a 4x4 relief box, filled with wood shavings, usually in an area only accessible by crew members.

The second most frequent comment, "boy I wish I could take my pet on the cruise!'
Trust me you don't. First, if you need a service dog, that means you are disabled - even if your disabilities are not visually apparent (think about disabled parking - not everyone that needs it is in a wheelchair). It is much nicer to take a cruise/live as an independent, able bodied person.

In order to bring a service dog onboard, there is a ton of paperwork to complete for the cruise line. This includes very personal medical information, the dogs training documentation, copies of registrations, license/certifications and the dog’s international health certificate.

In addition, you must pack everything the dog will need including enough food and water for the entire cruise.
I wrote about Bailey as my service dog and common questions about her for http://www.anewscafe.com/ about a year ago. You can read the full story HERE.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you guys are having fun! Take lots of pictures to share with us. xod
